Wednesday, December 25, 2013

To point out some troubling Data... Classical music -- Dropped significantly in the years of 2005-2006. City after city, classical radio stations have been dropped, orchestra season subscriptions have been cancelled, and most importantly, School music programs are being slashed in half. We have seemingly 35+ MTV Channels -- But if you want "Classic" on TV, you have to mean movies, and original sound tracks. It is a mournful state of affairs and may well signify our cultural decline.

Alas, the requiem is premature. Classical music, although shrinking, is not a dying piece of culture. It's growing once again, and in the coming years we should expect it to grow even more. Reasons are empirical, demographic, and cultural. Classical enthusiast should be buying up classical CDs now, or even better, learning how to master an instrument, because the old is the new...

The neo-classicals are coming in..

I've got the random info off my chest, now here's some life drawing sessions done in photoshop.
1 Hr sessions